Jill & Jill

Jack and Jill Remixed is a mobile-based interactive narrative, which utilizes the iPhone’s accelerometer to re-appropriate the purpose of a shake event. A quick shake, normally reserved for switching content such as songs on the iPhone, is now a tool to interact with a virtual environment. Jack and Jill Remixed asks users to shake their phone to explore a new scenic and narrative context for a well known nursery rhyme. Users are enabled to move around the environment through an action which mimics real-world exploration. Moving the phone through physical space is conducive to peaking through a window into a larger environment, and thus a previously hidden scene in the environment is revealed.

Check out the project here (the interactive elements can only be manipulated on an iPhone or iPad at this time). Project created in collaboration with Jeanna Hamilton, Nidhi Malhotra, and Tamara Makarem.