December 17, 2010 0

Physical Computing Final

By in Fall 2010, Physical Computing 1

Liz and I finally finished our Physical Computing final project, Painted Circuits. Please see our code, as well as my previous process posts (initial idea, traces, progress 1, progress 2).

This art piece was created to decorate the home of an electronically savvy person. Through the exploration of conductive paint and the often overlooked beauty of circuitry, we created artwork that can also serve as a nightlight to light your path in the dark. Considering calm technology, this is a useful tool that captives your immediate attention as an art piece, but functions as a tool at your periphery. The functionality serves to add to the aesthetic qualities of the artwork.

The distance sensors sense the direction that a user walks past the piece and lights the way.

hanging up our work


connected Arduino

finished artwork

lit paintings

Painted Circutz from Tami on Vimeo.

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