May 10, 2011 0


By in Code for Art, Spring 2011

(original photo by Michelle Calabro for MFADT)


Created for my Code for Art final project, Censored is an application that allows users to censor pictures from last night’s debauchery before posting them online for all to see. Because of the pervasiveness of today’s social networking tools, we are often portrayed in unbecoming ways over the internet. How many times have you had an unflattering or inappropriate picture posted of you on Facebook from a party the night before? Although you can untag yourself to digitally disconnect yourself from the photo, the photo still exists with your face on it.

This tool utilizes face detection to find faces in a photo and automatically cover them up, to protect the “innocent”. You can capture fun memories during a crazy night while allowing involved parties to protect their identities.

Video run-through (a few minor changes have been made since this recording)


This project ended up being a combination of many oF addons. I utilized ofxOpenCV and ofxCvHaarFinder for image processing and face tracking and ofxDirList to pull the photos from a directory. For now, the directory name must be manually changed in the code if pointing to a different folder than the one I am using.

Download full source here.

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