October 28, 2010 0

Light/Time Iterations

By in Fall 2010, Physical Computing 1

Look/Feel Iterations:

Leather bracelet

I wanted to see what a different material would look like for the bracelet. I decided a flatter, more normal looking bracelet would make this piece look like any other piece of jewelry one might decide to wear normally. The leather achieves this, and I am pleased that it has a more uni-sex look.

Braided bracelet – black

I still want to play with the braided look, but a more subtle color may be more pleasing and fashionable. I chose a black rope to achieve this look.

LED Tennis Bracelet

I imagine LEDs being strung together so that their legs are the base of the bracelet, and it will look like a sparkling tennis bracelet. I am not exactly sure how this would work with the actually wiring, but it would be cool if it worked.

For all Look/Feel prototypes, I need to consider how to clasp the ends of the bracelet, as well as how to incorporate the wiring into them. I also want to try LEDs of different sizes and brightness to see how that affects to look.

Role Iterations:

Medicine Timer

The bracelet could be worn when sick, or when taking medications that require regular doses. The user, or even the user’s doctor, could program the time to count down the time between medicine doses. For example, if a user needs to take a pill every 4 hours, it would count down 4 hours and alert the user that it is time for their next dose.

Technology Timer

I am still excited about creating a timer that makes the user aware of the time they spend using technology. This timer would encourage users to spend a limited amount of time “plugged-into” technology and more time doing other, more “physical” or “real-world” tasks.

Challenge Timer

When I first thought of this project, I wanted to create a timer that would encourage the user to do a task faster. Run faster, solve a puzzle faster, do unpleasant tasks faster. The timer would blink more rapidly, making the user anxious to finish the time and thus encouraged to perform the task faster.

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